Use the Chevron Havoline brand, eye-catching imagery and signage as your
competitive advantage. We’ll add another level of trust to your service
operation. Get started today.
View Chevron Havoline xpress lube facilities
What Chevron Havoline xpress lube owners are saying

See why Randy Groover chose Chevron Havoline xpress lube in 1994, and what the brand’s trusted reputation has done for his business ever since.

Watch how this father-and-son duo turned their small family business into a Chevron Havoline xpress lube facility and increased their car count by 5 cars a day.

Hear from real Havoline xpress lube
owners, like Steve Eddy
"The synergy between Fast Eddy's and Chevron Havoline xpress
lube has elevated our high standards of customer service."
Steve Eddy, Owner/Operator