VARTECH™ Industrial System Cleaner

VARTECH™ Industrial System Cleaner (ISC) is a deposit-cleaning product added
directly to the oil in use during operation to clean a system of varnish and sludge
before a scheduled oil change. VARTECH™ ISC helps prepare the system for
optimum performance of a new, fresh oil charge.
VARTECH ISC delivers value through:
- The stabilization of varnish and sludge deposits into the oil to enable their efficient removal through a scheduled oil change, restoring system operational efficiency,
- Minimal filter plugging,
- It’s excellent compatibility with many turbine and compressor products (mineral and synthetic hydrocarbon based),
- The retention of both oil/water separability and oxidation life performance,
- Excellent seal compatibility,
- Extended cleaning times.
- Added directly to the in-service lubricating oil,
- Ideal for use in concentrations between 5% to 20%,
- Designed to be effective under normal operating temperatures, not to exceed 120°C (250°F).
If the current oil is severely deteriorated, best practice is draining the degraded oil and refilling with fresh oil so the cleaner can be added to a new fill of Caltex product meeting the OEM’s specifications.
1) Use the table below to select the cleaner treat rate and cleaning duration. Calculate the amount of system cleaner required.
System Condition |
Recommended Treat Rate (Vol %) | Recommended Duration *¥ (days) |
Reconditioning Maintenance |
5 - 10 |
1 - 7 |
Heavy Deposit Removal/Deeper System Cleaning |
10 - 20 |
7 - 30 |
* Durations beyond times those listed above are possible but contact your Caltex Representative for additional guidance and information.
¥MB 226.9 is obsolete. Gas engines are now covered by MB-approval 228.51
2) Install a fresh set of filters to maximize varnish and deposit collection.
3) Ensure additional filters are available as filter changes may be required due to the release of varnish and other deposits.
4) If needed, drain an adequate volume of in-service oil to ensure maximum fill levels are not exceeded when adding the system cleaner.
5) Add VARTECH ISC to the system up to the selected treat rate, ideally while the oil is circulating.
6) Operate the equipment as normal for the selected duration and monitor filters for increased differential pressure. Replace blocked filters as required
7) Drain the oil-cleaner mixture from the system while it is still warm and recently circulated. Ensure safe handling temperatures. When possible, drain locations in the system where oil may be trapped, e.g., filter housings, coolers, piping, de-gassing tanks, etc.
8) When possible, manually clean any accessible settled deposits and residual oil/cleaner mixture from the reservoir.
9) Industry best practice recommends a system rinse** when changing oil. A rinse is particularly important when any of the following conditions exist:
a. Prior to cleaning, the in-service oil was experiencing rapid oil degradation or was extremely degraded,
b. Prior to cleaning, there were severe deposits in the system,
c. More than 10% of the oil-cleaner mixture remains after draining.
10) Replace filters.
11) Refill the system with a Caltex product meeting the OEM’s specifications.
**Rinse oil should be compatible with the final fill oil. Contact your Caltex Representative with questions or concerns.
Always confirm that the product selected is consistent with the original equipment manufacturer’s recommendation for the equipment operating conditions and customer’s maintenance practices