Transformer Oil Ultra-eleKt 11- Uninhibited
High performance Un-inhibited electrical insulating oil

Transformer Oil Ultra-eleKt 11- Uninhibited is a high performance uninhibited electrical insulating oil, suitable for use where insulating oils meeting IEC 60296:2012 (Edition 4) transformer oil specifications are required.
- Transformers
- Oil-immersed switchgear
- Circuit breakers
- Oil-filled capacitors
- Tap changers
- Electrical reclosures
- Fuses
- Prolongs transformer life - Low viscosity and low pour point provide good low temperature fluidity.
- Efficient heat transfer - Improves transformer components cooling. Low solvency protects electrical wire elements.
- Maximizes life of oil-immersed switches - Rapid arc quenching reduces contact erosion
- Maintains transformer efficiency - High dielectric strength and low dissipation factor provide good insulating characteristics
- Long service life - Highly refined base fluids resist sludge, deposits, soluble compounds which lead to breakdown of oil’s electrical properties
Transformer Oil Ultra-eleKt 11- Uninhibited meets IEC 60296:2012 (Edition 4) requirement
Always confirm that the product selected is consistent with the original equipment manufacturer’s recommendation for the equipment operating conditions and customer’s maintenance practices