Talcor OGP-6 Heavy
Ultra High viscosity open gear lubricant

Medium to large heavily loaded girth drives via immersion, paddle wheel, circulation or spray lubrication where ambient and operational temperatures are above +5°C for spray and +25C for immersion applications.
Slow speed heavily loaded journal bearings as found in Mining, Sugar, Cement and other heavy industries
Wire rope outer core lubrication.
Service Temperature Range: 0°C to 120°C
Longer equipment life
Excellent wear and scuffing protection as demonstrated by 4-ball weld point and FZG test. Enhanced full film lubrication ensuring maximum gear tooth protection
Ease of maintenance
Transparent fluid for easy inspection of the gear/pinion surfaces under either dynamic or static conditions. Drains easily from gear shroud and does not accumulate in in the teeth roots.
Low environmental impact
Due to non hazardous properties, free of bitumen, solvents, heavy metals and solids.
Low operating cost
Due to lower disposal costs as a result of reduced consumption rates, ease of cleaning and no nozzle plugging.
Ease of application
Suitable for spray and bath application where an ultra hi-viscosity product is required. Compatible with common dual or single line auto lube systems.
Meets AGMA 9005-E02 Annex D (Table D-2) for intermittent spray applications with ambient ranging from +5° to 50C°.