Super Outboard 3
Premium performance, two-stroke marine outboard oil

- Water-cooled, two-stroke, marine outboard engines, including the latest designs under warranty protection
- Oil-injected engines
- Oil-gasoline premix engines at a wide range of gasoline-to-oil ratios up to and including 100:1
- Air-cooled, two-stroke engines where API TD or NMMA certified oils are specified
High power output - highly refined mineral oil and ashless additives offer piston cleanliness and help maintain engine performance
Keep-clean performance - formulated to offer protection against ring sticking thus, maintaining combustion efficiency and power output
Reduced maintenance costs - robust additive system helps protect against wear under high speed, peak performance operation
Trouble-free operation - ashless additives ensures that ash-induced deposits are eliminated and thus minimize the risk of harmful pre-ignition
Optimum spark plug life - ashless additive system helps reduce spark plug fouling under a wide range of operating conditions
National Marine Manufacturers Association (NMMA) TC-W3®NMMA TC-W3 Certification Numbers: RL00420J, RL93002J