Regal SGT 22
Synthetic Industrial & Marine Gas Turbine Oil

Regal SGT 22 is recommended for aeroderivative gas turbines exposed to severe operating environments in non-aviation applications such as industrial power generation, gas transmission and marine propulsion.
Not to be used in aircraft service
Extended service life compared to mineral oils
Excellent oxidation and thermal stability of the synthetic polyol ester base fluid and additive system resists oil breakdown under severe, high temperature conditions. The low volatility of the synthetic polyol ester minimizes evaporative losses.
Minimum deposit formation
Reduced coking tendency of the synthetic polyol ester base fluid and additive system minimizes deposit formation on bearings and other areas exposed to the heat of the hot gases.
Good wide temperature range performance
Viscosity-temperature characteristics of the synthetic polyol ester provide outstanding low temperature fluidity to facilitate starting at low temperatures, while ensuring that an effective lubricant film is available under the most severe, high temperature conditions to protect critical components against wear
- Approved against U.S. Military Specification MIL-PRF-23699F STD
- Holds formal approvals for use in the following gas turbines:
- Rolls-Royce RB 211
- Rolls-Royce Industrial Avon
- Rolls-Royce (Allison) Industrial 501-K
- GE Energy Industrial Aeroderivative units