HDAX 9300
Gas Engine Oil

- HDAX® 9300 is designed for use in latest generation high output, low emission four-stroke engines burning natural gas. It has a medium ash level, high performance in high Brake Mean Effective Pressure engines with steel pistons (BMEP greater or equal to 22 bar) with long drain. HDAX® 9300 will also deliver excellent performance in lower BMEP engines with aluminium pistons.
- Four-cycle gas engines in cogeneration applications
- Four-cycle medium-speed stationary spark ignition engines and dual-fuel pilot injection engines operating on sweet natural gas or LPG
- Suitable for use with fuels containing low levels of sulphur and chloro-fluoro-carbons (CFC). In sour gas/high CFC applications, lubricants with higher base reserve may be required – for example, HDAX 9500 SAE 40 and HDAX 6500 SAE 40.
Extended drain capability and low oil consumption – exceptional oxidation/nitration resistance and base number retention characteristics enable extended drain capability, even in high BMEP, steel piston engines designed to use a very low oil feed rate.
Promotes engine cleanliness – dispersant/detergent system allied to oxidation/nitration resistance minimizes oil thickening and sludge formation, protecting against filter plugging.
Long component life – outstanding piston deposit control, providing scuffing protection to the cylinder liners. Protects against abrasive wear.
Optimized ash level – provides excellent valve recession control and controls potential for pre-ignition.
Catalyst compatible - low phosphorus additive system optimized for use with catalysts.
Jenbacher TA 1000-1108, Fuel Class A[1] for the following engine types/ versions
- Type 9 (All Versions)
Jenbacher TA1000-1109 Fuel Class A[1] for the following engine types/ versions
- Type 6 (versions H and K)
- Type 6 (versions F and J)
- Type 6 (versions C and E)
- Type 4 (version C)
- Type 2 and 3
[1] Natural gas, associated petroleum gas, abandoned mine methane gas, biogas (sulphur <200 mg/10 kWh).