Gas Engine Oil

- Four-stroke engines fuelled by landfill gas containing elevated levels of chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) where low ash oils are required or preferred.
- Sour gas applications where corrosive wear is a concern
- Engines where low ash oils are preferred
Maximizes oil service
Combination of high performance hydrocracked base fluids and specially balanced oxidation inhibitor package and dispersant provides outstanding oxidation and nitration resistance in arduous landfill applications.
Lowers operating costs
Excellent deposit control on valves and pistons reduces oil consumption. The exceptional oxidation and nitration resistance and deposit control extends oil drain capability so that equipment is in service longer generating revenue.
Minimizes maintenance costs
Exceptional oxidation resistance and dispersancy minimizes sludge formation, avoids filter plugging, cylinder head sludge, abrasive polishing wear and oil thickening. Special formulation gives excellent corrosion control in engines burning high CFC and / or high sulfur containing fuels where high levels of acidic condensate form. This exceptional corrosion control ensures maximum liner life even in intermittent operation.
Extends engine life to overhaul
High level of anti-wear additive protects against valve train wear and scuffing of highly loaded parts operating under boundary lubrication conditions. Level and type of ash producing additives reduce valve recession. and potential for pre-ignition.
- GE Jenbacher approval for Types 2, 3, 4A&B and 6 C&E engines burning landfill gas (Fuel C) and biogas, sewage gas (Fuel B) with catalytic converter.
- MWM Low Ash approval for all MWM TCG Gas Engines as per Technical Circular TR 2105
- Cummins approval for QSV91 Landfill Gas Engine
- MAN Truck and Bus approval against M 3271-4 (Special Gas) gas engine oil for stationary engines
- Caterpillar approval for all CG gas engines
- MTU preliminary approval MTL 5074
- TEDOM Approval rule 61-0-0281.1 for fuel types L (Landfill), B (Biogas) and S (Sewage gas).
- Suitable for use in Waukesha engines burning landfill gas or biogas
- Proof of performance gained during extensive field trials in Caterpillar engines.