HDAX 5200 Low Ash
Gas Engine Oil

- Four-cycle high-speed stationary spark ignition engines operating on sweet natural gas or LPG
- Four-cycle medium-speed stationary spark ignition engines operating on sweet natural gas or LPG
- Four-cycle medium-speed stationary dual-fuel pilot injection engines operating on sweet natural gas or LPG
Maximizes oil service life
Synergy of hydrocracked base oils, oxidation inhibitor package and dispersant provides outstanding oxidation and nitration resistance, reducing the buildup of sludges which lead to oil thickening and filter blockage.
Lowers operating costs
Excellent deposit control on valves and piston reduces oil consumption. Exceptional oxidation and nitration resistance and deposit control extends oil drain capability so that equipment is in service longer generating revenue. Outstanding valve train wear protection maintains fuel economy.
Minimizes maintenance costs
Exceptional oxidation resistance and dispersancy minimizes sludge formation, avoiding filter plugging, cylinder head sludge, abrasive polishing wear and oil thickening.
Extends engine life to overhaul
High level of anti-wear additive protects against valve train wear and scuffing of highly loaded parts operating under boundary lubrication conditions. Level and type of ash producing additives reduce valve recession and keep combustion chamber deposits to a minimum with less spark plug fouling and potential for pre-ignition.
- Approved by Caterpillar for Cat CG132, CG170, CG260 Gas Engines
- Approved by Caterpillar Energy Solutions GmbH (former MWM):
- Technical Circular 0199-99-2105 (up to 0.6% sulphated ash)
- Approved by MWM for TCG 2015, TCG 2020, TCG 2032, TCG 2032B, TCG 3016 series engine.
- Approved by Deutz against TR 0199-99-01213/2 for 913, 914 series engines
- Jenbacher TA 1000-1109, for the following engine types/ versions with catalyst compatibility
- Type 2 and 3 - Fuel Class A[1]
- Type 4 (versions A) - Fuel Class A[1]
- Type 4 (versions B and D) - Fuel Class A[1] , Fuel Class B[2] and Fuel Class C[3]
- Type 4 (versions C and E) - Fuel Class A[1] , Fuel Class B[2] and Fuel Class C[3]
- Type 6 (versions C and E) - Fuel Class A[1]
- Type 6 (versions F and J) - Fuel Class A[1] , Fuel Class B[2] and Fuel Class C[3]
- Type 2 and 3, 4A, 4 (B and D, C and E), 6 (C and E, F and J) - Fuel Class S[4]
- Approved by MAN Diesel & Turbo for Large Medium Speed Otto gas and dual fuel operation
- Approved by Wärtsilä for gas engines and duel fuel engines with natural gas as main fuel
- Approved by Waukesha for cogeneration applications
- Approved by Waukesha for 220GL using pipeline quality gas
- Approved by TEDOM 61-0-0281.1 for fuel types G (natural gas), P (propane/butane)
- Meets Caterpillar field test requirements for G3500 series and smaller engines (self-certified)
- Meets Caterpillar field test requirements for G3600 series engines (self-certified)
[1] Natural Gas, associated petroleum gas, mine gas, bio gas (Sulphur < 200 mg/10 kWh).
[2] Biogas, sewage gas
[3] Landfill gas