Premium Performance Industrial Anti-Wear Type Steam and Gas Turbine Oil

- Stationary industrial gas and steam turbines
- Stationary industrial gas turbines with reduction gear sets
- Industrial gas turbines in severe service
- Hydraulic turbines
- Rotating machinery in gas and steam combined-cycle cogeneration units
- Bath and circulating systems supplying moderately loaded gear sets, low pressurehydraulic systems, vacuum pumps, rolling element bearings, machine tools,conveyors, and electric motors
- Air compressors, turbo-blowers and centrifugal pumps requiring a rust andoxidation inhibited, antiwear oil
Protects reduction gear sets — Anti-wear additive system forms a protective chemical film on loaded gear toothsurfaces to assist in reducing wear and scuffing.
Excellent service life — Premium base oils and inhibitor system provide outstanding long-term oxidationstability to resist oil breakdown.
Potential maintenance and downtime savings — Premium base oils and oxidation inhibitor system resist the formation of harmfuldeposits in high temperature bearings and other hot areas of the turbine. Therust inhibitor protects system components against corrosion. Good waterseparability ensures rapid settling of water accumulated from steam condensate,or leakage from salt water cooling.
Potential inventory savings — Non-silicone foam inhibitor allows rapid release of entrained air while minimizingfoam formation to enable reliable operation of sensitive hydraulic control devices.The multipurpose nature of the formulation allows it to be used in a wide range ofindustrial applications, potentially simplifying oil inventories and reducing thepossibility of using the wrong lubricant.
- Siemens TLV 9013 04 for turbosets with and without gearboxes (ISO 32, 46)
- Siemens TLV 9013 05 for turbosets with and without gearboxes (ISO 32, 46)
- Alstom HTGD 90117W (ISO 32, 46)
- MAN Diesel & Turbo 10000494596 rev 2, if FZG requirements of FZG>10 exist onthe part of the gearbox manufacturer or MAN Diesel & Turbo systems engineering(ISO 32, 46, 68)
- Ansaldo Energia Turbine Oil Specification TGO2-0171-E00000/B (ISO 32, 46)
Meets Requirements of:
- British Standard BS 489
- ASTM D4304 Type II
- German Standard DIN 51515 Part 1
- German Standard DIN 51515 Part 2 (ISO 32, 46)
- ISO 8068 L-TGF & L-TGSE (ISO 32, 46, 68)
- ISO 8068 TSA & TGA (ISO 32, 46, 68)
- ISO 8068 TSE & TGE (ISO 32, 46, 68)
- ISO 8068 AR, B (ISO 32)
- Chinese Specification GB1120-2011 L-TSA (Typ A) & L-TGA (ISO 32, 46, 68)
- Chinese Specification GB1120-2011 L-TSA (Typ B) (ISO 32, 46, 68, 100)
- Chinese Specification GB1120-2011 L-TSE (Typ A) & L-TGE (ISO 32, 46, 68)
- Chinese Specification GB1120-2011 L-TGSB & L-TGSE (ISO 32, 46, 68)
- JIS K2213 Type 2 (ISO 32, 46, 68)
- General Electric GEK 28143B (ISO 32, 46, 68)
- General Electric GEK 101941A, 27070, 32568G & J, 46506D & E (ISO 32)
- Siemens MAT 812101, 812106, 812108 (ISO 32)
- Solar Turbines ES 9-224 Class II (ISO 32, 46)
- Siemens MAT 812102, 812109 (ISO 46)
- Alstom HTGD 90117 (ISO 68)
- GEC Alstom NBA P50001 A & P50003 A (ISO 32, 46)
- Cincinnati Machine (MAG) P-38 (ISO 32); P-55 (ISO 46); P-54 (ISO 68)