Six ways to do preventive maintenance of fleet the right way with routine oil analysis

Six ways to do preventive maintenance of fleet the right way with routine oil analysis Six ways to do preventive maintenance of fleet the right way with routine oil analysis

Preventive maintenance is key for keeping a fleet of vehicles in good condition and minimizing the risk of breakdowns. Routine oil analysis is an essential part of preventive maintenance, as it can help identify potential issues with the engine before causing any significant damage. Given below are the six ways to do preventive maintenance of your fleet the right way with routine oil analysis.



1. Steer clear of a standardized PM program

Many operators make the cardinal mistake of using a standardized PM program across their entire fleet, rather than taking a vehicle-by-vehicle program. This conservative approach doesn’t help in the optimal use of oil and results in higher maintenance costs can do more damage than help your fleet’s overall performance.



2. Never skip routine oil analysis

Routine oil analysis is not just about the state of in-service oil. It’s a proven, effective way to uncover a host of issues that can impair engine durability and performance, whether that’s dirt contamination, coolant leakage, fuel dilution, or several other potential problems. By foregoing routine oil analysis, you lose that insight – and therefore increasing the risk that an undetected problem might eventually lead to equipment failure. So, routine oil analysis may require a little extra effort, but remember that it’s a relatively small investment compared to the results it offers in the form of reduced yearly maintenance costs and more productive time for the fleet on the road.



3. Always use the OEM-recommended grade of oil

Use the OEM-recommended grade of heavy-duty engine oil for your fleet and its operating conditions. It is also important to know the OEM guidelines for oil drain intervals since you can use routine oil analysis to identify potential problems and make an informed decision about how much to extend drain intervals for your fleet.



4. Keep Accurate Records

Keeping accurate records of all maintenance and inspections is key since this can help you identify patterns and trends in vehicle performance across the fleet and make informed decisions about maintenance.



5. Immediate tackling of issues

Always address any issues identified through routine inspections and oil analysis immediately to prevent further damage to the engine and reduce the risk of costly breakdowns.



6. Regular reviews of your Preventive Maintenance Program

Regularly review your preventive maintenance program to ensure that it is effective. Often, this process can involve adjusting maintenance schedules, updating training programs, or incorporating new technologies.In short, by following these six tips, you can ensure that your fleet is maintained properly and operates efficiently.


This article was written by Chevron technologists in collaboration with industry experts and global thought leaders.

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