Chevron PitPack®

PitPack can help you manage SKU complexity, save money vs quarts, free up cash tied up in drum inventory, improve operational efficiency and shop organization, and reduce product packaging waste. Learn more below

Save money. Less waste. Store more oil in less space.
Using PitPack increases the speed of service which increases your car count.
Russ Bowling
District Manager, Havoline xpress lube

The benefits of using Chevron PitPack
PitPack® box features
6 gallon capacity
Large text for easy identification
Colorful labels to differentiate product
No drip nozzle
100% recyclable outer box

How to open a Chevron PitPack box and seat the nozzle
PitPack testimonials

Huffman Oil

HXL Kernersville, NC

San Angelo Car Care

United Auto Supply