Seven Things You Most Likely Didn't Know About Havoline Pro DS Fully synthetic ECO 5 SAE 5W 30 Engine oil

Engine Technology is constantly in a state of flux. Smaller and more fuel-efficient engines of today work harder than ever before putting unprecedented stress on motor oils, which is why there is a focus on using motor oils that have stringent standards.
Havoline Pro DS Engine oil is not your run-of-the-mill passenger motor oil. Here are seven things that most likely you didn’t know.
This resource-conserving, multi-grade gasoline engine oil is created with synthetic base oils, it actively protects the newest generation of vehicles equipped with low emission, fuel-efficient engines.
Its proven metallo-organic anti-wear additive system defends engines under all operating conditions by offering outstanding wear control in even the most advanced valve train mechanisms, including those with flexible valve timing.
Did you know it works instantly upon contact with an engine’s moving parts to produce a shielding coating that protects the engine against the deposits supporting high power and performance? Besides providing excellent control of piston and ring deposits under elevated temperature conditions to keep engines clean, its special friction modifiers also help decrease internal engine friction for maximum fuel economy.
Havoline Pro DS Engine oil’s improved visco-metric properties create less friction in the engine, which contributes to improved fuel economy. Consider this interesting fact: The oil’s capacity to thwart degradation between oil changes also widens the time and mileage interval between oil changes.
Its high thermal stability and excellent oxidation resistance provide exceptional protection against in-service oil degradation that results in filter blocking and sludge formation in the oil galleries, crankcase, and valve train.
It is perfect for naturally aspirated and turbocharged gasoline direct injection engines in passenger cars and light truck gasoline engines where ILSAC GF-5, API SN, or ILSAC or API “S” performance categories are specified as well as for passenger car and light truck spark-ignition engines & small-displacement turbocharged engines.